March issue of St.GEORG features Anja Beran

March issue of St.GEORG features Anja Beran

In February Jan Tönjes, chief editor of St.GEORG, one of the leading and longest-established German equestrian magazines, visited Anja Beran at Gut Rosenhof to get an impression of her work. For a whole day he observed Anja and her team working with various horses, whilst photographer Maresa Mader documented the events with her camera. Jan Tönjes’ report as well as Maresa Mader’s photos feature in the March issue of St.GEORG.

The report clearly states that even in equestrian sport it is important to consider and reflect on the knowledge of the old equestrian masters in order to make dressage horse-friendly again. Because movements are not an end in themselves, rather they are fundamental for the gymnasticising and strengthening of riding horses.

Aus der März-Vorschau St.GEORG:
In der März-Ausgabe 2018, die ab dem 21. Februar am Kiosk ausliegt, dreht sich in unserem Special alles um gebogene Linien. Für die Reportage haben wir einen Blick über den Tellerrand geworfen und Anja Beran besucht, die in der klassischen Reitkunst zuhause ist. Sie ist in der klassischen Reitweise zuhause, aber von ihr können Reiter jeglicher Reitweise etwas lernen, denn die 48-jährige Ausbilderin hat einen Auftrag: Reiter darin lehren, eine pferdegerechte Ausbildung mit dem bloßen Auge zu erkennen. „Blickschulung“ nennen sich ihre Seminare und wir haben uns von ihr zeigen lassen, wie sie vermeintlichen Problempferden wieder auf den richtigen Weg geholfen hat.

Here you can download the PDF of the article: StGEORG Anja Beran

In the following video, Anja Beran demonstrates a passage according to the classical principles, as is described in the FN Principles of Riding and Driving – Volume 2:
“The passage is an elegant trotting movement with minimal ground cover and a clear moment of suspension. The highest degree of collection and cadence at trot is achieved in the passage. The diagonal leg pairs stepping off lightly and energetically from the ground in the hoof sequence of the trot can endure the suspension phase for longer. As in the piaffe, the forearms are raised to a horizontal position. The bent haunches and well-connected hindlegs carry the weight rhythmically, diligently and straight FORWARDS upwards.”

Anja Beran & P.R.E. stallion "Ofendido" doing the passage
